“Mobility with Quality, Safety and Style!”
GBB is the sole distributor of
TKE in Pakistan
“Unmatched Quality, Unrivaled Reach:
TKE Exclusively in Pakistan”
We are provider of most reliable & futuristic vertical transportation solutions.
TKE is an industry-leading elevator company. TKE is able to produce and supply all type of elevators, commercial and heavy duty escalators, panoramic, moving walk ways, airport solutions.
Focused on customer satisfaction.
We know you need your elevators, escalators and other people transportation systems operating optimally at all times. That’s why, across our global service and maintenance network, our top priority is ensuring the utmost system availability, efficiency and safety. Industry-leading knowledge, processes and tools enable us to deliver on this priority.
Extend your elevator and escalator’s lifespan.
With the average age of buildings growing steadily in many countries, property owners increasingly need to invest in modernizing their people transportation systems. At TK Elevator, we’re proud to work with customers worldwide to prolong their system’s lifespan, safely, intelligently and cost effectively.
Our brand puts people at the center of everything we do, that’s because our strong customer and service focus, strengthened by German engineering, delivers premium technology excellence. It’s a powerful combination for unleashing positive, lasting impact in our industry and across global markets.
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